Akil Dashevci, born on October 23, 2006, in Pristina, is a young artist who began his creative journey in painting in 2019, during the isolation period. With his first painting, he participated in the “Tirana Art” competition in Albania through an online platform, winning the “Special Prize” for his work “Longing for the Sea,” a remarkable achievement among 800 young competitors.
In 2023, Akil completed primary school at “Naim Frashëri” in Pristina. Today, he has created over 40 paintings that have been displayed in a series of personal and collective exhibitions. His first solo exhibition, “Akil’s Beloved Colors,” was held at the National Library of Kosovo (BBK) from November 3-5, 2022. Following that, he presented his work in his second solo exhibition, “Akil’s Colorful World,” at the Art Gallery in Peja on March 3-4, 2022. His third solo exhibition, organized for the school’s day at “Naim Frashëri” on May 25, 2022, served as an artistic celebration for the school community. His fourth exhibition took place at Etnofest from August 13-20, 2023, titled “My Words in Colors.” The fifth exhibition, held from October 10-17, 2023, in Pristina, was organized by “Artists for Artists” in the Ulpiana neighborhood.
Furthermore, Akil participated in collective exhibitions, such as the International Artistic Colony Prishtina-Art at the Grand Hotel in Pristina from December 25-30, 2023, where he presented two of his works. His sixth solo exhibition opened on February 13, 2024, and remained open for three weeks at the KultPlus studio, while his latest collective exhibition was in the International Artistic Colony Prishtina-Art from July 4-9, 2024, at the Grand Hotel.
His participation in events and charity auctions has contributed to his growth as an artist, inspiring him to create new works and stand out as a fresh voice in contemporary art. His numerous participations in collective exhibitions highlight his dedication and unique talent.
Akil’s most recent event involved opening an art studio for young people with dyslexia and dysgraphia, supported by the Ministry of Culture. This studio, established as part of the project “Akili i ngjyrave” (Akil of Colors), was inaugurated on November 1, 2024, with a personal exhibition by the artist. The opening of this studio represents a new step in Akil’s effort to support young people and bring art closer to them.